flyer by Drew Padrutt, bottom left photo by Remy Steiner, others by RA


Howlers on the BeebLA

Richard Alwyn’s most recent project was this song and video which appeared first in Impedance & Resistance vol. 3: Against the Current Cultural Static
which ran from 2021-5-16 through 5-31 and was held over until 6-9
at The revolution was not TikTokked…yet.

This extended version aired as part of the L.A. chapter of The Bushwick Book Club’s show for Allen Ginsberg’s Howl, for which the song was written.
The BBC consists of songwriters and other artists all reading the same book, creating a song, dance, puppet show or even baked good in response and then gathering together to present those new works.

RA has appeared in several shows with the original Brooklyn chapter, including a “greatest hits” performance on Governor’s Island as part of the Porch Stomp Festival.
Alwyn had this to say about his first return to live performance, post-pandemic:
”After miles of wires and months of screens, I am performing this Saturday using only what seems like ancient technology: a guitar from the sixties
and singing out of my very own head [also from the sixties].
No internet, no interface, no intercom, not even a microphone.”

Links to: The full show for Howl RA on Governor’s Island BBCs: BK & LA